Business Vision translated into good workspace design

We help CEOs, Business Leaders and Coporates actualize their “bigger picture” thought well envisaged space design.

A Good Design is a Joy Forever!

Good design draw you in instantaneously.

A Great design holds you for a long time

23+ Years of Experience

Our enduring presence in the business world is not just a milestone, but a solemn obligation. Our unwavering commitment is to provide thoughtfully designed workspaces. We consistently earn our clients’ trust by delivering upscale projects, always on time and within budget.

You Should Call Us

If you are MNC, starting up your India Operations or planning a new office in the country

We have worked with Fortune 500 companies. We have a sophisticated sense of design and thoroughly comprehend “International Standards.” We have rigorous experience in translating global guidelines faithfully. We are familiar with business conduct guidelines and procedures. We can help you save lots of time and money by getting the project off ground quickly and executing it meticulously – As per your standards, within your timelines and budgets.

If you are an Indian Company with global ambitions seeking to build a world-class workspace

We understand and deliver world-class workspaces. We also understand how to deliver them on time and within your budgets. We will help you realize your grand vision by working around your time and budget constraints. We will help you uncompromise and deliver a well designed, thoughtfully planned and sharply executed workspace of your dreams. All with the trappings and trimmings of an International grade office which all your stakeholders would come to love.

Why you should call us 

Experience Matters

Building Avante Garde spaces is great, but doing it with more thought and planning is a must.

Every workplace has to be thought of as a living and evolving ecosystem of people, of their collective energy levels, of their emotions and feelings, of their interrelationships and of their collective focus towards delivering a common goal.  The design approach has to be expansive, meticulous and seasoned.

At Icon Design, our 23+ years of rigorous grounding has honed our aesthetic sensibilities and execution capabilities. We are ideally placed to deliver your most demanding projects with ease and finesse. 

The New Workspace


Breakdown of  hierarchy

Unregimented vs Structure

Informal vs Casual vs Serious

Collaboration vs Productivity

Mobility vs Certainty

Our Forte :

Thoughtful Revolution

Today, every industry is a knowledge industry. And the knowledge industry is still radically disrupting the workplace. The days of a regimented and hierarchical workplace are over.

Workplace design must also accommodate some of today’s most perplexing paradoxes. Workplaces must be informal but not casual. Because technology and the IT workforce are serious business. People need to work together closer at work, but they also need private space to focus and be more effective. The office should be lively but not distracting. People must be mobile, but they must also find a place to rest. At Icon Design, we are profoundly connected to today in order to offer a workspace design that will last for a long time into the future.

Explore our Work

Each project opens our eyes to newer dimensions and more nuanced understanding. Every project has helped us evolve. And for every other project that comes our way, we give it all that we have learned and the intuitive creativity that helps us transcends the ordinary.

What our clients are saying about us

We are proud of the brands and the people we have worked for

Open your EYES To Fresh new Ideas

It's Time to Say Hello!